BEKW - Bioenergiekraftwerk Emsland

BZH - Bildungszentrum Handel und Dienstleistungen gemeinnützige GmbH

Customer comment:

"Changing from the CRM system to Open LIMBAS was the right decision for us! With LIMBAS our specific company processes could be presented in a streamlined form. Thanks to the increased flexibility and improved administrative possibilities we could develop our new system together with LIMBAS GmbH and quickly adapt the system to our specific needs. The advantages of using a web based system were already apparent during the early stages of development. The modern browser provides immediate and reliable access for all of our branches and departments. Many registered users have expressed positive surprise at the speed and efficiency of the new system. In the near future we plan to expand it further.

Mr. Sauer, BZH Inovationsbeauftragter
(Translated by LIMBAS)