Stadt Lohr am Main

Success Story
"Living fairy tale"
Specialized applications with LIMBAS at the city of Lohr.... more
Customer comment:
"We are a municipality with about 16,000 inhabitants. With its many districts, kindergartens, schools, fire brigades and branch offices of the administration current and redundant free information presentations and data uses for our coworkers were only very extensively implementable. It was also after a version change of Microsoft Access often very complicated to adapt macros and scripts again.
Our long search for an alternative has finally found a product that is not only fully administrable via a web interface, but is also accepted by the users with great satisfaction. Many functions are self-explanatory and intuitive to use. A training phase was not even necessary.
After the first test changes, we will gradually change all existing access applications to LIMBAS. Now we can finally provide even more information to even more jobs easily and securely. A long way has finally found its destination."
Herr Harald Werner, Sachgebietsleitung EDV - Stadt Lohr